How to make money online: the ultimate guide 2022

Make money online

Make money online a simple easy to use guide: Get started making money today with these easy tips on how to make money online.

If you’re thinking about making money online, you’ll need your hands on some software, a blog, and a way to reach people. Many people choose to make money online by founding small businesses: businesses that require no physical location, staff, or equipment.

Here are some of the easiest ways to make money online that don’t require a lot of specialized knowledge or equipment.

1. Sign up for social media platforms

Each of the major social media platforms has a free starter account that you can use to test the platform and see how it works. This will allow you to create your own pages the more followers you have, the more you’ll be able to charge for a product or use it for advertising.

Before you start selling, be sure to do your research. Find out what countries you can sell to, how much you’ll need to charge, and whether they’re willing to buy from a random country. Often, sites like LinkedIn will allow you to target your ads by country, which will help you reach the right audience.

2. Create your own social media accounts

Instead of using someone else’s account, you can create your own social media account and connect with other people. This allows you to maintain a personal connection with customers that other platforms don’t offer.

It’s also possible to create a business page on Facebook that will allow you to interact with customers and provide more details about your business. This is how you make money online.

3. Sell your own content

You don’t need to use social media to sell your own content. Websites, blogs and videos that talk about your interests and career are ready-made products that you can sell. The time and money that you put into these sites and posts will be recovered quickly and they’ll keep making you money long after you’re done putting them together.

The easiest way to make money online is to simply sell your existing blog content to other people who want to use it. This doesn’t require any added work on your part and the price is generally reasonable, especially if the content is old.

4. Sell your skills

You can earn more money online by selling the skills that you’ve acquired during your time in school or your career. This could include anything from translation work to coding software to administering SEO changes. Many of these skills can be learned outside of school and provide opportunities for people who aren’t programmers to engage in SEO and other useful strategies.

Selling your skills is an effective way to make money online that anyone can do.

5. Start your own business

The easiest way to make money online is by starting your own business. Anyone can do this by creating a website and selling products or offering a service. The internet makes it easy to start a business, even if you don’t have a lot of money.

There are a few key elements to starting a business that’s successful online. Any one of these elements can make you money and can be a viable plan for you to recover from financial hardship.

6. Get involved in social selling

Social selling is another way to promote products that you love through social media and interact directly with the people who are interested in those products.

Using social media to sell products is an effective way to make money online; the hardest part is getting started. After that, scaling up is much easier than starting from scratch.

Social selling includes affiliate marketing.

7. Do social media work for others

Many businesses that exist online but not in physical space struggle to find an employee who can do both virtual and actual work. If you have skills in social media management, website development, or another skill that a business owner wouldn’t want to give up, you can work with them to provide that service. This can be a temporary situation or something that lasts forever, depending on how well you two works together.

8. Start your own blog

The easiest way to make money online is by starting a blog. You don’t have to write the next Great American Novel; you just need to create a site that features content that you enjoy writing and that offers value to others. Once your blog is up and running, you can start to monetize it in a variety of ways.

9. Sell content on SlideShare 

If you have brilliant content on a platform that isn’t meant to make money, there’s no reason that content can’t bring in a little extra cash. That’s the case with SlideShare, a platform for hosting presentations online.

Any content that you create and put on SlideShare can be used to sell digital courses or promote yourself as a freelance writer. Because this platform is already established and has a steady user base, you don’t need to build your career from the ground up with this method.

10. Start a coaching business

If you’re a people person and enjoy helping others reach their goals, consider starting a coaching business. This is another venture that doesn’t require a lot of money to get started but has the potential to grow into a sizable operation.

Get started by offering your services for free and promoting them via word-of-mouth. Eventually, you can start to look to make money online: the ultimate guide for advertising or reach out to organizations that support the goals you aim to help people achieve.

11. Operate a tour guide service

If you’re a history buff or enjoy helping people explore new cities and towns, consider starting a tour guide service. With a little research, you can make money online: the ultimate guide be the one to bring visitors and tourists to the must-see places in your area while telling them all about the history behind the spots.

12. Run a furniture rental service

Ideal for those who still want to enjoy the benefits of having furniture in their home but don’t want to make the commitment or pay full price for items they won’t use all the time; a furniture rental service is a great idea for making money online.

With this business model, you’ll loan out furniture and appliances to those who want to rent them. Then, they’ll pay your company and you’ll deliver a furniture rental contract with an end date. When the customer is done with the item, they’ll return it to you in the condition it was in when they received it.

You can make money online by charging a small rental fee or selling the items you loan out.

13. Launch a dropshipping business

One of the fastest ways to make money online is by drop shipping. This business model allows you to sell items without having to buy them or store them first. To make money online using this model, you need to find a supplier or website that’s willing to market and ship products to your customers.

Then, you can open your shop or sell your products on the platform that the supplier provides and earn a commission on each sale.

This is a great business model to make money online as you won’t need to spend a lot upfront, you won’t be required to buy or store large quantities of products, and you’ll already know the true market value of the items you’re selling.

14. Sell educational videos

If you’re a creator or have a deep knowledge of a subject, you can make money online by creating educational videos that teach people new skills or help them expand their knowledge base. This can be a great way to make money online for kids as well as adults.

To make money online using this strategy, you need to find a niche that will support the content you want to produce. Then, you need to create and upload YouTube videos, blog posts or other mediums of information and charge for access to them. You can also sell standalone products that accompany your courses.

Selling educational content is a great way to make money online for both kids and adults.

15. Sell digital guides

You can make money online by creating guides on virtually any subject. The more in-depth and helpful your guides are, the more people will be willing to pay for them.

Another great way to make money online by creating fun and informative digital guides is in the freelance writing industry.

16. Create a Facebook group

You can make money online by starting a Facebook group that helps people with a particular skill or struggle. For example, a successful group might provide support for new moms or entrepreneurs. All you have to do is come up with the idea, then advertise it on Facebook to people to who it would be helpful. The ad should include a link to a website where people can learn more and sign up to join the group.

As the group creator, you’ll either be charged a small fee by Facebook or you’ll keep 100% of the ads revenue generated from the group, depending on which option you choose at the time of creation. Typically, group creators keep 100% of the revenue.

As the group owner, you’ll be able to choose what content is allowed to be posted and you’ll be in charge of enforcing the group rules. While getting a group up and running won’t necessarily make money directly, it can lead to several other profitable opportunities, such as:

Selling digital products directly to your Facebook group members.

Affiliate marketing by promoting products to your followers.

Getting paid to speak at events or run workshops (also called coaching).

17. Start a podcast

Blog posts (such as this one you’re reading now) are great…but so is audio content, which is why you can make money online by podcasting. In case you’re unfamiliar with podcasts, they’re multimedia programs that you can listen to on your computer or while you’re out and about, using a mobile device or headset.

The initial investment to start a podcast is fairly low, and you can make money online podcasts in several ways:

Sell global digital downloads of your episodes.

Charge visitors to your website to download your episodes.

Get sponsored by companies who are interested in the promotion through your show.

Charge people to attend or participate in your podcasting event.

Just like blogs, your podcast content can lead to more opportunities, such as book deals and conference presentations.

18. Start a YouTube channel

You can make money online by creating videos and uploading them to YouTube (or another video-sharing site). If you’ve never shot or edited a video before, it may seem a little intimidating at first, but it’s easier than you might think—and even if your footage is less than professional, you can always edit the videos to look better than they do when you shoot them.

In addition to creating and posting video content, you can also make money on YouTube by:

Creating sponsored videos (or finding companies who will pay you to create them).

Selling digital goods or tickets to live events through your YouTube channel.

YouTube is the 2nd most popular search engine in the world, and by creating content for video search, you can find endless ways to make money online!

19. Start a virtual help business

Thanks to the internet, you can provide freelance, independent and/or post-full-time help to people across the globe. This includes areas such as:

Admin help: filling out paperwork, making calls, photocopying, etc.

Clerical help: reception duties, data entry, dealing with paperwork or correspondence in other languages you may be able to read and write, etc.

Data entry help: accessing and entering data into various documents or databases.

Documentation help: writing instructions, creating templates, training staff or clients on how to use equipment or software, etc.

Training help: giving self-help, one-on-one or group instruction on fitness, physiology, bodyweight training, martial arts, swimming, tennis and other skills that can be taught through physical demonstration.

And although online virtual helping may seem like a male-dominated industry, there is actually a growing need for female virtual assistants (and the pay difference is slowly decreasing as well!).

20. Become a video game tester

Did you know that game company hire people to test the games they create before they are released? And you don’t even have to get out of your pyjamas to do it—all you need is a computer with internet access (and a little patience!).

If you’re into video games and would like to make some extra money, this could be an opportunity for you. Companies hire beta testers to test their software and games to find bugs and glitches before they release them to the public. You get paid to do this—usually around $50-$150 per assignment.

This is a great option for kids and teens too.

How to get started making money as a video game tester

The best place I have found to get these jobs is on the website Sign up and start browsing the Game Development categories to find these listings.

About Ezytal:

Ezytal Pvt. Ltd. is a digitisation consulting company & provider of managed technology solutions. Our full portfolio of products & services includes website design, application development, chatbot, website security, consulting, design, implementation and project management. Our services are custom catered to the medium-sized business community. Technology services from Ezytal are designed, created, and implemented with your unique business needs in mind, so you know you’ll see a return on your IT investment today and in the future.

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