Mobile Application

mobile application

How to develop a mobile application for your e-commerce business

The mobile application market is growing at an unprecedented rate. There are now over two billion active app users, and that number is only expected to rise. If you have an eCommerce business, developing a mobile app can be a great way to reach new customers and boost your sales.  But where do you start? Building a mobile app can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right planning and execution, you can have a successful app up and running in no time.  Here are a few tips to help you get started:  1. Define your goals. What do you want your app to achieve? More sales, more engagement with your brand, or something else entirely? Knowing your goals will help you determine the features and functionality your app will need.  2. Do your research. Take some time to research the competition and see what other eCommerce apps are doing well.  3. Talk to your developer. Get a developer’s view on what it will take to build the app and what you should be thinking about. Your developer will be able to help you define your goals and come up with a strategy that’s realistic.  4. Decide on a development platform. There are several platforms  (iOS, Android, Windows) for which you can build an app. Consider which one or ones to target based on the platform of your current customers and your ability to manage multiple versions of the app. Also, consider whether you want to build a native app (developed using the platform’s programming language) or a hybrid app (developed using web technologies and wrapped in a native shell).  5. Choose how you want the app to look and function. Once you’ve decided on your platform, you’ll work with a designer to specify the design and user experience of the app. A good developer will also provide recommendations and guidance here. 6. Set a  timeline. Depending on the complexity of your app, you should be able to launch an MVP (minimum viable product) within a few months.  7. Build an MVP. This initial version of the app will allow you to validate some of your ideas and ensure that customers are using the app as you’d expect. It doesn’t need to include all of the bells and whistles.  8. Test the app. You’ll need to test the app with users from your target audience to ensure it’s easy to use and meets users’ needs.  9. Analyze results. Did users engage with the app as you expected? Were there other features you planned to include in the app that didn’t get enough attention?  10. Revise the app based on testing results. Just like with any other software, an app needs maintenance. However, don’t rush to make big changes before launching new versions of the app. Instead, study results and make gradual incremental changes. Also, consider using a/b testing to determine the effectiveness of changes.  11. Publish the app. Once you’ve finalized the version of the app, submit it to the relevant app stores.  12. Monitor the app. After launching the app, monitor how customers are using it and how the app is functioning.  13. Make changes based on monitoring results. Similar to the steps you took while developing the app, you should take careful steps to make sure you don’t rush to make big changes before you understand the impact on your customers and bottom line. Instead, consider a/b testing for incremental improvements.  14. Make the app a permanent feature of your website. If the app is proving to be a success, consider making it a permanent feature of your website. This will require additional development work.  15 . Promote the app. There is a lot of competition in mobile app stores, so you’ll need to promote the app to drive traffic to it. This may include paid advertising as well as social media promotion.  How much does it cost to develop a mobile application? This is often a misconception that an app needs to be built from the ground up. But, you can also “re-skin” or “hire an app developer to modify an existing app” an existing app if your budget is limited. An experienced software developer can help you choose the appropriate tools to meet your needs and adjust the look and feel of an existing app or build an app from scratch. That being said, the average cost to develop a mobile app is $354,000, according to  AnalyticsHobbyist. However, this number varies based on the size of your organization, the number of apps you plan to develop, and the features of the app. An app developer can help you determine if building an app in-house, using a freelancer, or an agency is the most cost-effective solution for your budget and goals.  How to hire a mobile application developer for your business? So you’ve determined that a mobile app is a good fit for your business. Now how do you find and hire the right developer? If you’re considering a freelancer, check their past work and make sure the projects were completed on time and within budget. Ratings and reviews can also provide insight into whether the developer is a good fit for you.  When hiring an agency, make sure to do your research. The agency should have experience developing apps for businesses similar to yours. Ratings and reviews also provide insight into whether the agency is a good fit for you.  You may consider incorporating the cost of the developer or the agency into your overall business strategy. For example, you can reduce your startup costs by outsourcing development or by including marketing and design tasks in your project. This will also help you identify providers who are willing to work within your budget, which is a positive from a risk perspective.  We at ezytal provide custom app development like e-commerce and business apps in India. We have our office at Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Do connect with us.

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Mobile application design company in Bhubaneswar

How to find the best mobile application design company in Bhubaneswar

Without a doubt, mobile apps are in! Over 85 percent of mobile users use them and spending on mobile app advertising is increasing worldwide. If your business doesn’t have a mobile app to keep customers close and promote new products and services, your competition probably does. A good mobile application design company can help ensure that you don’t lose out on a mobile-driven marketplace. If you’re in Bhubaneswar and are looking for a company to design, build and/or maintain a mobile app for your business, here are some important things to keep in mind. When you are looking for a mobile application designer, you are most likely going to be dealing with an outsourcing firm or a designer that has a chain of offices. This means that you will have plenty of options in terms of location and the type of experience that you are seeking. This also means that there will be reviews available online that you can consult. Reviews are a great way to get a feel for the type of service that was provided and to see if any issues occurred during the creation or maintenance of a mobile app. If a designer or company has poor reviews or seems to have recurring complaints, then it might be best to look elsewhere. In addition to reviews, certifications should also be a consideration. Many designers offer their services with little to no knowledge of programming. While these designers can still design fantastic mobile apps without coding knowledge, having certification in technology and programming can help ensure that your app is built in a way that maximizes its functionality and enables it to run smoothly across different mobile platforms. Although mobile app design is different from web design, there are some similar elements that should catch your attention when you’re looking at the website of the company you intend to work with. The main thing that should draw your attention is the experience of the designer in mobile apps. If the company or individual has a section on their website that highlights mobile apps or shows examples of work, then you should definitely take a look at those. Experience is important because it tells you that the designer knows how to interpret your business goals and user requirements into a design that can be built into a functional mobile application. It’s also good to see examples of UI and UX design because these are the elements that ultimately influence the end user’s experience. Generally, getting a quote or presentation from a designer or company is as simple as filling out a form or directly contacting them via an online form on their website. When you have received several quotes, you can compare the prices and the included features to find the package that best meets your budget and needs. Make sure you specify all details in your request for work, such as: The location of the office/  company —If the business is based abroad, are there additional costs related to communication and working together? Verify if the company/individual can work according to your deadlines — Whether they are tight or more relaxed Check the working mode — Does the company/individual work directly with you or do they use intermediate platforms such as Freelancer or Upwork? You should be present in the development process if the work is directly commissioned to a developer, for example. Ask for samples — Ask for samples of work similar to what you want to be done. This will give you an idea of the quality of work provided by the company or individual. Also, if they don’t provide any samples, ask how their process works. What kind of analysis do they do with their clients? What kind of questions do they ask? This will give you an idea of the ideation process and how involved you can be in it. Reviews and rating — Although not always reliable,  reviews and ratings  on platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Yelp can give you an idea of the quality of work provided by the company/individual. If there aren’t any reviews, ask for references or check for references on their website or social media accounts. Reviews can be also used to detect potential red flags, such as a very low price — sometimes providers that aren’t professional or are trying to cut corners may have very low prices, indicating that they may provide subpar work or may require you to purchase add-ons or buy into a “starter kit” to get the full experience you want, which will ultimately end up costing more than a well-respected designer would charge. Although far from exhaustive, the list below includes features that can make the difference between a good experience and a great experience when working with a mobile application design company in Bhubaneswar. Trust and chemistry —  The most important factor in obtaining great results is trust. Whether working with a designer locally or abroad, you need to trust them and feel comfortable enough, to be honest about what your goals are for the project and what you like and don’t like. Trust is also important because a designer will not recommend solutions or approaches that they don’t believe in or that they don’t think will work because they don’t want to waste your time or theirs. This would mean blockers down the road or having to redo work. Also, chemistry is important because it will influence the back-and-forth process of coming up with ideas and solutions. If you don’t vibe with the person, it will be difficult to engage in this process or give feedback on versions of the design. Active participant — If you are an active participant in the design process, you are more likely to get what you want. This means being present during conversations about concepts and designs, asking questions and giving feedback. If you aren’t able to be present or need the designer to produce content quickly, then it may be best to do the

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